Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thrusday May 8, 2008

  1. First starts the morning sickness
  2. the constant having to pee
  3. the sore breasts
  4. the weird crampy pains making you think your gonna get your period but you know your not because your prego
  5. and the extreme fatigue
Then things subside leaving you to believe all is gonna get better, you can feel baby moving but its not too annoying just yet. You see it as a blessing and a warmth that runs through your body knowing baby is healthy. In my case however, the morning sickness never went away...

  1. Still having morning sickness, although it has gotten better, I'm just a lot more sensitive to smell
  2. Not having anything to wear and all the shirts are getting too short
  3. the leaky boobs, that if I do not wear breast pads I have those horrible little stains which look like your hubby had fun on your shirt if you catch my drift
  4. the aches and pains in the hips, back, and legs from the extra weight
  5. the huffing and puffing making you think your just fat
  6. And now the troubles sleeping....Between being constantly uncomfortable, trying to accommodate my belly and the horrible dreams (their not all horrible) but you tend to remember them better for some reason... I am up every couple of hours now
AND I'm still in my second trimester... You gotta be kidding me right!? Is this some cruel joke? I mean for some reason I was SOOOOO excited to have another baby and couldn't wait to get pregnant again (of course I didn't have half of these issues with Harley) And now 9 months of this?! In the end I know its worth it... after the labor (pray its not 37 hours of back labor like with Harley) The pushing the pain... and then they have to do a c-section because baby stopped breathing causing us to panic.... the section leads to another 8 weeks of hell on top of the sleepless nights... But maybe this baby won't do the same as Harley did

Still I know there is a joyful moment in the end that lasts 18 years... not every moment in those 18 years will be joyful... but it will all be worth it!


1 comment:

Annieann77 said...

dI have to agree with you, I was so excited to get pregnant and once we finally did I was relieved until the rest of the crap happened and I didn't enjoy it anymore!! :( I started counting down this pregnancy at 3 months and now that I only have 7 weeks left I can hardly wait!! I don't think I will do it again!? Although it will be nice to see the final product! ;)