Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday May 27, 2008

Woke up this morning and started throwing up again. Thats 2 days in a row now... hmmm.... Wondering whats going on there. Baby is moving lots, especially if I lay on my right side, the left side of my stomach looks like its having seizures it moves so much. Getting baby's room all in order has really been a chore. The cleaners really get to me so I have to stop every 15 minutes or so.

Think these crampy feelings I get are contractions. Weird that I don't know what they are, but with Harley it was all about the back labor! Slightly painful, not worrisome yet. Enough pain to make you stop what your doing, but not enough to make you run to the hospital. Assuming this is normal. Really not concerned. Just more of a nuisance than anything.

Wader got the new job last night. Starts on the 16th of June making 2 bucks more than now. Good news if you ask me. Plus he'll be back into the sandblasting, which is so much nicer than the bed liners.

Thinking of making more goodies. I for some reason have been really enjoy baking but I'm not eating most of it, so its kind of a waste. Recipies are always welcome :).

Back to laundry the never ending job....

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