Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday July 31 2008

This is more than likely the last long weekend before our baby is born. Harley once again is going camping with Grandma and Grandpa (My parents.) He is too excited all he keeps saying is "Grandma's Car... Camping again."

Yesterday I went in for my blood work for the Thyroid and next Wednesday we'll find out if that is whats going on with me. Janel was here to watch Harley, and has watched Harley for almost every appointment I have had so far. Its so nice to have someone to rely on like that. Every one insists this baby will be early, but I have a strong feeling she'll be late.

Because of the basement flood I've been working extra hard trying to get things in order. Almost everything from the basement has made its way upstairs. Harley's play room seems so boring now. But to try and find some place else to live has been too challenging, especially since baby will be here soon.

Any how I have more work to do in that basement

Be back soon...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday July 29 2008

I've just been busy... We've been trying to get Wades bike back on the road, but it just keeps costing us more and more money. And Saturday we really had the basement in order. I thought the house was complete. Sunday We went to the air show, and came home to 3 inches of water in the bottom of the basement. A real mess.

The air show was amazing, and Harley super enjoyed himself. Everyone managed to keep the sunburns away... except me. I burnt the left side of my forehead, and my left thigh... interesting.

My hips are killing me, but I seem to have a lot more energy lately too. Tomorrow I will go for my blood work, because I won't be able to see my doc until the 6th.

I will try to pop in more...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thrusday July 24 2008

Thought I would post a few pictures of baby's room. Very little left to do, but there is yet so much to do. LOL. No throwing up today, so I think that is good. Cleaned off my computer desk, to fill it up with a bunch more papers from upstairs. And I am now about to tackle the play room.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday July 23 2008

I haven't been ignoring you, nor have I had baby... I've just been busy. Harley left Friday morning to go camping with my parents, and he didn't come back until Monday. Nice little break for me. I had my doc appt Friday afternoon, and they are checking my thyroid because of my weight loss and blood pressure drop in the last week. Saturday Wade and I went to Ma me o Beach to visit Harley and my Parents just for the day. Had tons of fun. Harley has never been camping before. Sunday Wade and I cleaned the garage and Wade took his bike in to hopefully be fixed by Friday. Monday Harley came home, and I'm sure you all know how much laundry and house cleaning comes with coming home from camping... especially for a kid. Tuesday I discovered a hornets home beside my front door. So FIL came over and sprayed it, hopefully he killed them.... So today I thought I would touch base!

I have not been feeling well... in a sense that I am throwing up again, can't keep anything down, and even if there is nothing in my stomach I'm still throwing up. Baby's heart beat was at 147 bpm on Friday. My blood pressure was 120/70 and I have lost 5 lbs in a week... I have another appt on the 6th of August, but I have to go for some major blood work before I go back.

Just keeping you filled in...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday July 18, 2008

As of yesterday, its "okay" for me to have a baby. because of my high blood pressure, the doc told me I only had to keep baby in until the 17th of July and she would be "safe" enough in the world. I say lets just wait. As much as I really do want her out of me. I'm tired of being uncomfortable, I want her to be as healthy as possible as well. I have a doc appt. today at 3:40pm so we'll see how things are progressing. As for kids....

I am a childless mother for 3 days. Harley is off to Grandma's, although, not her house... they are taking him on his first real camping trip.... SCARY! I'm not really worried, more nervous. The worst things happen when camping, and I don't think Harley's ever been away for so long before. This is will be a nice test though for when baby gets here to see how well he can do without mommy for a few days.

Yesterday Auntie Janel came to visit Harley and hang out with him, which was super nice. And Wednesday my parents came to hang out with Harley. While they were here, dad also put the ceiling fan up in our bedroom... how nice is that ?

I have been "awkwardly uncomfortable" for a few days now. Baby is moving in some of the most weird ways lately. Preparing for something? Also extra discharge... She'll be here soon.
Her room is almost complete, I think it really is just a matter of cleaning up and I think thats it. Will fill you in Monday.

Til then....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday July 14, 2008

An eventful weekend... Actually just a weekend full of stuff to do. Took the van in to have a few things done to it. Went to the bank, and that took hours. Cleaned the old van, and sold it! Grocery shopping, and maybe a little clothes shopping for myself.... hehe... A Birthday party that lasted too long to be a kids party. Almost finished cleaning the garage. Baby's room has some finishing touched left, but thats about it.

Yesterday and today, I have been so uncomfortable. My back and belly are so crampy and tender. So today I packed the hospital bag... Amazed at how little went into this bag as opposed to what I thought I needed LOL. I guess I've just forgotten all these things...

Miss Wader, never feels like there is enough time together over the weekend. Our neighbor is moving, so that is sad as well. He plans to have a big party this weekend. So Harley is going to moms house. Actually they are going camping. First time Harley's been camping... as well as away from me for 2 nights in a row... A little nervous on this one.

Anyhow back to try and get work done....

Friday, July 11, 2008

I woke up this morning and realized, I only have just over a month left. Why is time going by so quickly? Why can't Things take it easy? I'm no where near as big with this baby as I was with Harley. I am uncomfortable, and it is hard to breathe, but I just wanna savor the last moment with Harley before I have to stretch everything between 2 kids.

Loving my new mini van by the way... In case you never knew. Wade's been calling me through the day, but I've been out and about. Still have a few little things left in the baby's room. So I feel like I'm done, but I think that is why my days are flying by.

Sold the old van, so I need to vacuum, and steam clean and yada yada all that today. The inside is hideous! And of course laundry day... 6 loads! So my work is cut out for me today, to get everything done before the weekend. Make sure this house is in order so we can have fun!

Sunday we have a birthday party to go to. My cousin Chad is turning like 12 or 13 or something, and Harley just adores him. Saturday my van goes in to get the rock chips in the windows fixed so they don't spread. (they are so tiny you can hardly tell they are there. Thats why I'm being picky) Finish the in laws shed, its rained all week, so they were at a stand still. And I need to find pictures for baby's room. So far thats what the weekend has in store. Lets hope I'm feeling well enough to get it all done.

Til Monday...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday July 8, 2008

So I'm back to throwing up... day 4 now, and I wake up because I'm throwing up. Interesting... this is gonna last forever isnt it? Mom called last night, and has this brain wave she's gonna baby sit for me... uh huh... Except she wants to baby sit Wednesday, and I don't need a baby sitter Wednesday. On top of that, she wants me to take my little sister with me. Except I don't need to go anywhere. I should, and could go and get my blood pressure and weight gain checked. Only I had planned to do that on Saturday. Guess I'm going Wednesday now eh ?

Anyhow I'm sure she has the crib bedding, so I'm thinking thats why she wants me outta here.

Last night we were at the in laws. They are building a shed in the back yard. Wade, FIL, and his cousin Clarence were all outside and Harley wanted out, so we let him out, and the boys said they could watch him. Guess what?! They couldn't. Because in no time Wade came flying into the house, looked at the pile of shoes, and then at me, slammed the door and took off running. I understood exactly what happened, and none of the other women did. So when I took off out of the house, screaming, the ladies were so confused. My son was missing!!!! Across the entry to my in laws complex ( a very high traffic road) is a park. "Slide Slide" thats what Harley wants the second we go there. So I took off looking over there. For about 3 minutes ( I'm estimating time. The woman followed me out of the house, and they say it was like a minute and half) my 2 1/2 yr old was missing. As awful as this sounds, I even looked at the road to make sure remains of my child we're there. Those minutes seemed like hours, and my brain was in such a tizzy I couldn't think of anything other than "Where is my baby!!!!!????" Suddenly I hear, " I found him." I go running!!! My son wasn't missing, he was helping his daddy and Gido build, at the back of the house, instead of at the shed. He wasn't doing anything wrong. He couldn't understand why we were all so worried. He was so mad I made him come in the house, he was so confused why mommy and daddy were wanting all these hugs and kisses. The worst feeling in the entire world. Is thinking you have just lost the only thing that means anything to you. The only thing that matters. The only thing you wake up for every morning, kiss every night, live, breathe, and sweat. He IS the only thing!!!

Now today, I'm paying for it. I'm sick, I hurt and I am so sore. But a pregnant woman isn't supposed to be running, jumping, screaming, and frantic. Regardless thank GOD my son is here with me and it was only a minute....

Thanking the Lord....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thursday July 3, 2008

My new van is now sitting in my drive way. This is probably the newest ANYTHING I have ever owned. And I'm serious when I say I don't want Wade to drive it. We'll see....

The docs went better. I have gained 3.3 lbs, which isn't enough, but better. My Blood Pressure dropped a lot in the last two weeks, but still not enough. 143/160. She strongly recommends Home Care, but I say I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Keep asking for help, and just do things that way. Baby's heart beat was at 160bp/m but she was kicking like crazy at the time. So they are not worried about how fast her heart was. Back next week to check BP and weight. And the week after to see my Doctor.


Going driving :)...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday July 2, 2008

I no longer need to worry about the transmission in my van... Why??? Because I go to pick up my NEW van TONIGHT!!!! Thats right my NEW van. 2006 Dodge Caravan. Who cares about the year and all that BS though.... this thing is luxury to drive. Plus it has air conditioning... which my current van does not. Powered EVERYTHING! I even have these little buttons on the drivers side to open the windows in the very back (the vent windows.) Key less entry... too cool! C.D player and....


*Sighs* Awww... I'm in heaven.

On top of it all, we are still going to keep Wades truck, but payments are complete in February, and the payments on the new van are 150 bucks CHEAPER than the truck... Can it get any better?

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon, so my sister in law is coming to watch Harley for me. It is so nice to have family that is reliable. This doctors appointment will determine weather or not I will have to stay in the hospital or if what I'm doing at home is good enough for my blood pressure. This will also decide if baby will be taken early, or if we get to wait for her to be ready to come on her own.

I feel like I've gained weight, so hopefully I have because I only had 2 weeks to gain 2lbs. Which is actually kind of difficult to do when you can't keep anything down.

Still working on Baby's room, but I do have all the important things now, so I'm just waiting for things to fall in place. Working a little bit here and there every day.

Potty training is going surprisingly well. Yesterday we went through 3 pairs of under ware in total. and not a mess on my carpet, although i did get one in the kitchen, at least it was linoleum.

I'll fill in more tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday July 1, 2008

Well some how I managed to get Saturday under control. My in laws took Harley until about 4 pm. Wade came home from work, we went out to my parents and they kept Harley until Sunday afternoon, and we met up at the family BBQ. The BBQ went very well I might add. Usually those things get so crazy I leave within the hour, But it went super well. Did some shopping for baby, can cross a ton off my list now. which puts me at ease.

Wade had Monday off, so we just hung out and chilled in the back yard with Harley. Played in the pool, on the swing, and whatever else. My mom gave and took me shopping for more mat clothes, my belly is starting to show with the other clothes I have. So Wade and Harley stayed home. Apparently they went to see "Uncle Evan" Which made Harley so happy. And they saw Gido at work.

We're back to the work week though, and things need to get back to normal. We start the potty training as soon as Harley wakes up.

Wish me dry carpet...