Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday July 8, 2008

So I'm back to throwing up... day 4 now, and I wake up because I'm throwing up. Interesting... this is gonna last forever isnt it? Mom called last night, and has this brain wave she's gonna baby sit for me... uh huh... Except she wants to baby sit Wednesday, and I don't need a baby sitter Wednesday. On top of that, she wants me to take my little sister with me. Except I don't need to go anywhere. I should, and could go and get my blood pressure and weight gain checked. Only I had planned to do that on Saturday. Guess I'm going Wednesday now eh ?

Anyhow I'm sure she has the crib bedding, so I'm thinking thats why she wants me outta here.

Last night we were at the in laws. They are building a shed in the back yard. Wade, FIL, and his cousin Clarence were all outside and Harley wanted out, so we let him out, and the boys said they could watch him. Guess what?! They couldn't. Because in no time Wade came flying into the house, looked at the pile of shoes, and then at me, slammed the door and took off running. I understood exactly what happened, and none of the other women did. So when I took off out of the house, screaming, the ladies were so confused. My son was missing!!!! Across the entry to my in laws complex ( a very high traffic road) is a park. "Slide Slide" thats what Harley wants the second we go there. So I took off looking over there. For about 3 minutes ( I'm estimating time. The woman followed me out of the house, and they say it was like a minute and half) my 2 1/2 yr old was missing. As awful as this sounds, I even looked at the road to make sure remains of my child we're there. Those minutes seemed like hours, and my brain was in such a tizzy I couldn't think of anything other than "Where is my baby!!!!!????" Suddenly I hear, " I found him." I go running!!! My son wasn't missing, he was helping his daddy and Gido build, at the back of the house, instead of at the shed. He wasn't doing anything wrong. He couldn't understand why we were all so worried. He was so mad I made him come in the house, he was so confused why mommy and daddy were wanting all these hugs and kisses. The worst feeling in the entire world. Is thinking you have just lost the only thing that means anything to you. The only thing that matters. The only thing you wake up for every morning, kiss every night, live, breathe, and sweat. He IS the only thing!!!

Now today, I'm paying for it. I'm sick, I hurt and I am so sore. But a pregnant woman isn't supposed to be running, jumping, screaming, and frantic. Regardless thank GOD my son is here with me and it was only a minute....

Thanking the Lord....

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