Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday May 29, 2008

So last night my in laws got possession of their new house. Guess who gets to help move? Not that I mind really, but all the squatting down, weather it be for hooking the computer up, packing or unpacking the boxes.... My ass is incredibly sore. They won't let me lift, or reach and I can't bend so I have to squat! It was also my MIL birthday yesterday. So people we coming left right and center and it was the last thing we wanted was a house full when we're trying to move. My one SIL decided to join the family. (haven't seen her in 6months) I thought she was gonna kill me when we were trying to decide the best coordination for the computer desk. Of course my MIL has specifically requested to be facing the window (on one side of the room) but didn't want her back to the door ( on the opposite side of the room.) This was impossible, so now she is facing a wall! After hours of figuring that out, I need my FIL to screw the desk back together which took 5 minutes once he finally got to it. And another 10 minutes for me to hook everything up. Then another hour of "B.S'n" with all the people before my FIL finally drove me home at midnight! I had to send Wade home with Harley to get Harley into bed (by this time it was 10pm) But Harley was still awake when I got home:( poor kid just wanted to sing "twinkle twinkle little star" with mommy like every other night.

So I'm just gonna let him sleep in today for as long as he would like because we're off to do more of this moving stuff again tonight. (maybe they will cook a real meal instead of fast food, (or meat) cuz my tummy can't handle this)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday May 27, 2008

Woke up this morning and started throwing up again. Thats 2 days in a row now... hmmm.... Wondering whats going on there. Baby is moving lots, especially if I lay on my right side, the left side of my stomach looks like its having seizures it moves so much. Getting baby's room all in order has really been a chore. The cleaners really get to me so I have to stop every 15 minutes or so.

Think these crampy feelings I get are contractions. Weird that I don't know what they are, but with Harley it was all about the back labor! Slightly painful, not worrisome yet. Enough pain to make you stop what your doing, but not enough to make you run to the hospital. Assuming this is normal. Really not concerned. Just more of a nuisance than anything.

Wader got the new job last night. Starts on the 16th of June making 2 bucks more than now. Good news if you ask me. Plus he'll be back into the sandblasting, which is so much nicer than the bed liners.

Thinking of making more goodies. I for some reason have been really enjoy baking but I'm not eating most of it, so its kind of a waste. Recipies are always welcome :).

Back to laundry the never ending job....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday May 26, 2008

And the lists begin... I'm thinking its time to start preparing

  • 2 or 3 diaper shirts/ sleepers (size 0-3 months)
I know I won't need many of those, Harley was in his for like 2 weeks!
  • More socks/ booties
  • scratch mittens (although I'm not so sure those are really necessary)
  • Nipples for the bottles
  • Bottle Brush
  • Diapers (lord knows we'll need TONS of those)
  • Vaseline
  • wipes
  • Tub seats (for when she can sit by herself... trust me that happens faster than we all think)
  • Baby hair brush/ tooth brush
  • Mobile
  • Pacifiers
  • Night light
  • nasal aspirator/ infant thermometer/ medicine dropper
  • Diaper bag!
  • hooded towels/ wash clothes!
Thats it! Next to the car seat and stroller (because Harley's is expired baby needs a new one) everything else is for me. Most of this stuff isn't really needed either. A lot of it is just things I think I should have. Lots depends on how sensitive her skin is too! If you ask me .... I got TONS done this weekend. Now just to put it all together!

Sister graduated as well... so sad to see you baby sister all grown up , on the other hand, I've never been so happy.

Talk to you all soon!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday May 23 2008

Been sick these past few days. Not super sick, just lots of vomit. Wade pointed out to me Wednesday night that maybe we should put the crib up. I said why? we got a few months... well now for some reason I'm making my lists and checking twice, or three, or four times now. I'm organizing and reorganizing and driving myself crazy that I can't just run out a buy all the things I need!

This happen too quickly!

Sister graduates tomorrow, so this weekend is shot. As is next weekend, and the next and the next LOL. So I guess I really haven't got time for much else.
Water seeped into my basement yesterday some time too, and I didn't notice until like 10pm because I went to clean the play room. Landlord will do nothing about it. Thank goodness it was just the play room, and not where the TV and computer and everything like that was. Joy joy!

See ya all Monday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21, 2008

Its easy to come up with all the love for one child. It just magically appears! But how about two? Where does that love come from ?! do you steal it from the first and then he gets ripped off, bad enough he loses all his mommy time. And now he has to share his parents with someone he never even asked for. He doesn't deserve it.
Or maybe the second one doesn't get the love, maybe just really good parents
pretend to love the second one so it doesn't feel left out. But in reality they don't love her at all because all the love is in the first one.

Possible you only steal half the love from the first one, that way you love them both equally, but you don't love the first as much as you did the before the second one came along.

Does new love for the second one magically appear too? Am I gonna favorite one from the other? How am I supposed to divide my time between two kids? Its not fair Harley has to share... why didn't I think these things through before? How am I gonna balance the two? I mean I'll always love Harley more won't I?

Confused, scared, nervous...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday May 18, 2008

The weekend nears an end, and it has been truly enjoyable. So nice to have Wade home. Not sure if I could do it much longer than 4 days
Got some of the planting done in my puny flower bed out back. Nothing like what Bruderheim was. Although with those fires I guess I'm glad we don't live there no more. But Wade helped get rid of all the goodies the cats left behind for me so I was able to turn the soil over and plant the seeds. Now lets hope for no frost. I just love putzing outside, so that made my weekend nice.

Wade and Harley have been spending so much time together this weekend as well, which was nice at first having nothing for me to do. But I'm almost getting jealous of the lack of time I'm getting:)

I'm sure I'll be back Tuesday...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday May 15, 2008

Wake up this morning at 6 o'clock to discover my screaming child has puked ALL over his bedroom! Beautiful a pregnant woman now has to clean up puke... as if I can stand my own! So I strip him down to get him into the bath tub to discover along with the vomit is diarrhea! Awesome... This is gonna be a peachy day.

So my day consisted of changing an enormous amount of diapers (stones diapers as well, but thats not included in the enormous amount) Changing Pajama's all day long, washing bedding (with out a dryer need I complain some more) Bathing my son over and over again because it smelled disgusting every single time. All while taking care of stone as well. All in all I would say I had a FABULOUS day!!!

Wade was being an asshole today too, to top it off. He had some interview as well, although he decided to tell me he canceled it after I had thought he was already at the damn thing.

My sister was freaking out today on the phone with me because her friend was in jail or something (some crowd to hang out with). MY cousins girlfriend has called me 800 times this week with nothing to say.... I just wanted to tell everyone to take and shove it. Instead I politely let it all go. Finally got Harley to bed, and I am hoping that is the last of it until morning at least because I'm not so sure my back can handle anymore.

Did I mention the disgusting spider that haunted me most of the day!?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday May 14, 2008

Feeling ready to blow! I'm tired of being fat and there is so much more to come... Baby's moves are more prominent now, so everyone has an easy time feeling her kick. I of course hate the fact that everyone can feel her, because everyone is constantly touching my belly!

Harley is looking much better but is still on the meds for about 8 more days. He is back to his usual self... Driving me crazy! Have no major plans for this weekend. But since I have little time to prepare for baby, (with babysitting and Harley) we will be trying to get things in order around here to make sure the house is set up conveniently for me/her when she comes... Even though I have another 3 months, really thats not that long when you can't remember where the last 2 years went :)

Still have yet to book my diabetes test. I feel like I have been walking around with hang over these past few days. I'm very groggy, tired, and not entirely there.... Anyhow got things to do :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday May 13 2008

I apologize for taking so long to get back to blogging. Life has been crazy, and we're booked for the next six weeks as well. Running here and there for all the birthdays/ holidays/ graduations and yadayadayada.

Mothers day was very nice, Wade took care of everything for me. The cooking the cleaning and every single diaper that had to changed... it was amazing. I got a bunch of tulips from Harley and a dozen roses from Wade along with the sweetest home made card made by both Wade and Harley.

Yesterday Wade was given the day off so he was home about 10am and did pretty much the same thing. Let me take a nap got Harley changed and dressed took him to who knows where to make the house would stay quiet for me. They came back with a Timmy's coffee and we spent the evening outside as a family. It was amazing!

Today things are back to normal though, back to baby sitting and fighting with a 2 year old. Which in case I forgot to fill you in on the thing that was going on with Harley's eye its allergies. And 70 dollars worth of meds and he back to him self. Although he is still on medication so he is very whinny and groggy everything else seems good with him.

Anyhow, this week should be slow and this weekend is booked yet again. So I'm back to getting the laundry done while I have a chance.

When I was a kid I worked for a company called "Deep Fried Ice Cream"
Last night I mastered my own Deep Fried Ice Cream and I am now in love :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thrusday May 8, 2008

  1. First starts the morning sickness
  2. the constant having to pee
  3. the sore breasts
  4. the weird crampy pains making you think your gonna get your period but you know your not because your prego
  5. and the extreme fatigue
Then things subside leaving you to believe all is gonna get better, you can feel baby moving but its not too annoying just yet. You see it as a blessing and a warmth that runs through your body knowing baby is healthy. In my case however, the morning sickness never went away...

  1. Still having morning sickness, although it has gotten better, I'm just a lot more sensitive to smell
  2. Not having anything to wear and all the shirts are getting too short
  3. the leaky boobs, that if I do not wear breast pads I have those horrible little stains which look like your hubby had fun on your shirt if you catch my drift
  4. the aches and pains in the hips, back, and legs from the extra weight
  5. the huffing and puffing making you think your just fat
  6. And now the troubles sleeping....Between being constantly uncomfortable, trying to accommodate my belly and the horrible dreams (their not all horrible) but you tend to remember them better for some reason... I am up every couple of hours now
AND I'm still in my second trimester... You gotta be kidding me right!? Is this some cruel joke? I mean for some reason I was SOOOOO excited to have another baby and couldn't wait to get pregnant again (of course I didn't have half of these issues with Harley) And now 9 months of this?! In the end I know its worth it... after the labor (pray its not 37 hours of back labor like with Harley) The pushing the pain... and then they have to do a c-section because baby stopped breathing causing us to panic.... the section leads to another 8 weeks of hell on top of the sleepless nights... But maybe this baby won't do the same as Harley did

Still I know there is a joyful moment in the end that lasts 18 years... not every moment in those 18 years will be joyful... but it will all be worth it!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday May 7, 2008

Alright so I never TOTALLY quit smoking over night, but I have cut down massive!!!!! And I will continue to do so. I promise. Although I think because I haven't had as many that could be why I'm throwing up all day. And such a terrible head ache. Harley is being a little angel today... kinda strange... Yesterday afternoon too, he came and cuddled up with me and said "mama go nuh nite" We both fell asleep! It was fabulous...

Stone is still very crabby, assuming its cuz he's sick. Never did get my blizzard from DQ I was craving...

Anyhow off to make Chocolate Chip cookies. Made peanut butter ones yesterday, but there was none left when wader got home.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday May 6, 2008

So I got this idea last night... Lets quit smoking! Should done it months ago... Hell years ago... Never should have started. But I thought since the doc said I wasn't gaining enough weight, and people who quit smoking usually gain weight..... Well nows my time to get fat. Not to mention all the health benefits. So there are 2 more cigs to go, and I'm done. Wish me luck.

Babysitting again today, baby is sick. Lots of coughing. Harley is taring up the house. Throwing his tantrums on a regular basis, which is not acceptable, but when he is at my parents house he comes back as a little hellion thinking he can get away with anything here just like at grandmas house.

Spent most of the day outside yesterday, getting no work done at all.Went back to the in laws to help some more last night. Been craving DQ like crazy.

Missing Bruderheim
Missing My Friends

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday May 5, 2008

The weekend. Long, eventful, but boring! Starts Thursday I had to take the day off babysitting, because of an appointment, which put me in worry mode after I had left. Especially with not gaining "enough" weight. I didn't think that was really a problem in any womens life! Hubby came home from getting his bike checked out because the receptionist at work backed into it. Only to find that it is a right off.

Friday I had to go for that weird test,for my protein but wasn't able to book my diabetes test the same day, so I'm working on finding a day that will work for both me and stone. Had some company over Friday night we hadn't seen in a long time, which was great for the kids, but too long of a night for myself.

Saturday, because Harley was at grandma's, we decided to go look for this "20 dollar part" for my dryer. To in turn find out it'll be more like 100 bucks! Annoyed with that. We were off to help Wade's parents with cleaning out the garage, which I'm sure we will be a major part of this packing ordeal for the next month or so, until they are in the new house. We also went looking at bikes for Wade, although I'm still thinking its crazy. We put the swing set up in the yard and did a bit of "cleaning" but we still have much more to go before the yard will be "presentable." It appears the people before us, really didn't care what was in their yard... you would be amazed at what I found! Afterwards I told Wade to take me to a movie, and he did so, but focused WAY too much on his popcorn, that we had to wait in line for an hour for. Literally an hour, because they only had one popcorn machine working. Once we are finshed the half of the movie we got to see, I thought we would come home and enjoy our evening together, but instead wader was off to a buds house til 4 in the morning... leaving me at home!

Sunday we spent helping the in laws clean out the garage... picked up Harley and that was it!

after a weekend like that .... What will the week bring us?!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday May1, 2008

Had my doc appointment today. Protein levels are a little low, and blood pressure is a little high. I have to go for another appt. tomorrow sorta like a barium test but not really, at least thats what was explained to me. The "baby sitter" did show up, which was great considering the unreliability from them, so I got to go with out little man. Good thing to, because of the blood work they want done tomorrow. Very very tired today... surprise on that one.

Harley handled hanging out with Cory today really well surprisingly, however I did come home to blue crayon on my hall way walls, no real surprise there. There is black on the top of the stairs and red in my bedroom.

Got Harley for a nap (few and far between) so I'm about to head for mine. Thats a dream come true!