Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday May 13 2008

I apologize for taking so long to get back to blogging. Life has been crazy, and we're booked for the next six weeks as well. Running here and there for all the birthdays/ holidays/ graduations and yadayadayada.

Mothers day was very nice, Wade took care of everything for me. The cooking the cleaning and every single diaper that had to changed... it was amazing. I got a bunch of tulips from Harley and a dozen roses from Wade along with the sweetest home made card made by both Wade and Harley.

Yesterday Wade was given the day off so he was home about 10am and did pretty much the same thing. Let me take a nap got Harley changed and dressed took him to who knows where to make the house would stay quiet for me. They came back with a Timmy's coffee and we spent the evening outside as a family. It was amazing!

Today things are back to normal though, back to baby sitting and fighting with a 2 year old. Which in case I forgot to fill you in on the thing that was going on with Harley's eye its allergies. And 70 dollars worth of meds and he back to him self. Although he is still on medication so he is very whinny and groggy everything else seems good with him.

Anyhow, this week should be slow and this weekend is booked yet again. So I'm back to getting the laundry done while I have a chance.

When I was a kid I worked for a company called "Deep Fried Ice Cream"
Last night I mastered my own Deep Fried Ice Cream and I am now in love :)

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