Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday June 13 2008

Moms in their second pregnancy can feel the baby's movements sooner than those in their first pregnancy. Or so the doc says.... Well moms in their second pregnancy seem to get every little nook and cranny figured don't they? We're just privileged to feel every symptom possible WAY sooner than we really need to. The worst part? We know its coming... we don't want it to come and then BAM! we get hit with it earlier than the first time moms?! How unfair is that? Powerful kicks, mysterious bruises, muscles spasms, cervix grinding, and something that looks like it's straight from the movie "Alien"? Yep! That's baby. And last night OMG! My stomach was so tight Wade could actually see the formation of baby protruding. You could tell exactly where her head was and where her feet were. It was the most creepy thing I have EVER seen. I mean Harley moved lots, but not creepy like this. Harley's thing was to "swoosh" from one side of my belly to the next. Causing pain never the less, but still he wasn't creepy.

Last night was the last time we will ever get to step foot in to my in laws house. And for most people they wouldn't really care. I mean Wade of course, might care a little, but its not the house he "grew" up in. He was in High school when they moved there. However, for me it was much more emotional that I thought it would be. That is the home that opened its doors to me and my pregnant belly. Taking in Wade and me and our unborn Harley under its roof and caring for us for a year and half before my choice to leave. That was the house we brought Harley home to. His first home is now in possession of some stranger. That was the house that loved me and cared for me and my baby when it didn't have to!!! It just did because thats what that home feels. You can feel warmth, you don't feel like you need to walk on tip toes, or watch what wall you brush up against. If you want to holler you holler, if you want to cry you cry, and trust me that place gave TONS of laughter off.
I am so hurt to see someone else get a hold of the home that made us a family. And made Wade's family my family.

Never the less time moves on, and things happen that we don't want to happen. I just have to get over it. But I think its crazy that in 6 months I watch 2 homes that I truly felt like I belonged in just disappear. My house in Bruderheim... that was our home! MIL and FILs house that was home. Anytime Wade and I needed to go there we would call it "home." The house in Bruderheim was "Harley's house" and thats what we called it! And my parents place... is my parents place.

Sad but True...

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