Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday June 23 2008

Well I don't think we have to worry to much about me gaining weight with the way Wades family is feeding me.
FIL was really concerned about everything with baby. He told MIL. So Saturday while Wade was at work, they came and picked Harley up (I don't think they have ever done that... I don't think I have ever let them) and they kept him for most of the day. Then we were invited for supper. They specifically bought me chicken, because meat doesn't stay down. There were potatoes like you would never believe and salads outta the yang! There was so much food I couldn't believe it. And she kept filling my plate. (She has never done that) They wouldn't even let me help with dishes. Of course, I wasn't going to argue. Afterwards they put a huge glass of milk in front of me, and a bowl of yogurt. Then sent all the remaining jug of milk and container of yogurt home with me. There is so much milk in my fridge its sick!

Honestly though, it was super nice that they took Harley for the day. Part of me doesn't want him to go anywhere, because these will be the last few months of just Harley and me. But another part of me is begging for sleep. I could get used to the pampering....

Wade took us shopping on Sunday to Ikea. And I loved it! Couldn't stay long though, my legs really started to hurt. I bought some curtains, and a canopy for the crib. (because she's a princess) A shelf for our room, and a toy hammock for Harley. It was so nice just hanging out as a family. Still haven't found crib bedding though. When we got back, Wade made me take a nap. So nice... slept for an hour, and felt like I slept for a decade. Then we cleaned the basement to make it more practical for everyone. Now Wade has his own little spot to work on his models. I have a spot for scrap booking, and the computer area. Its very nice and open. Wade put a table in the laundry room for me to fold the clothes so I don't haul the hampers up and down the stairs. (kinda sweet) He also put a comfy chair in the play room for me to hang out with Harley and the book shelf of books so I don't have to go far to cuddle and read.

We started to hang shelfs up last night in the Hall way so I can finish unpacking from the move still. (no I'm not done yet!) But I wasn't feeling well, and my back was really starting to hurt. (think that was from walking around Ikea) So we went to bed and watched a movie. Wade kept bringing me glasses of milk. It is so nice to be taken care of, but what a pain in the ass drinking all that milk!

I finish baby sitting this week, which seems odd to me. Thing is I don't feel sick, so this is hard to nothing. But I am very worried about baby, so I thought it would be best to just worry about me and Harley. And we'll look into home care if I think Harley is too much as well. But for now, we'll just try this.

I'll keep ya posted...

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